Oct 26, 2008


I helped a friend getting his first job at a prestigious company. Giving him tips on what to expect in the job interview, how to handle some of the commonly-asked questions, and most significantly, proof-reading & correct all the errors in his all his mail to the company when he was applying for the job. I'm really happy for him for getting that job.

That small contribution I've made gives me a sense of achievement. Something I have never felt ever since I've entered med school 5 years ago.

...Sometimes I pity myself.

Oct 23, 2008


oh why why do i study medicine no time not enough time to finish study everything omg i need sleep it's 4.38am and exam's on 2.15pm but shit i still haven't cover so much omg i dowanna fail cost too much bloody 120000 ringgit cannot be gone to waste not to mention my loan which i have to return no no no please no i need to pass this badly omg i should sleep no i should study i'm going mad

Oct 22, 2008

I'm lost...

...in a sea of drugs!!!


Oct 14, 2008

Motivation from Mozart

Thank God for Mozart. When I just can't go on with my studies anymore, his music is the only thing that still motivates me to soldier onwards.

Especially his final completed masterpiece, the 4th movement of his Symphony No.41 in C Major (K. 551). Woody Allen once said that the piece proves the existence of God. While I think that's an overstatement, the piece is nothing short of a glorious testament to the genius that is Mozart.

It'll soon be over

While it may seemed that I have stop blogging bcuz I'm losing interest in it, truth is I just don't want to whine incessantly in my blog, which is what that will happen if I am to write down my thoughts and feelings for the past few months. Yes things have been rough, but thank God it'll all end soon.

Finals will start at 18/10 with Paper A, Paper B at 23/10, and OSCE on the 28/10. And hopefully this is the only time I have to take these tests, as I certainly don't have the will to repeat 5th year again. I have enough of struggling through med school. About time to learn by being part of the workforce.

I need a break. A very long break.

Oct 6, 2008


Oct 2, 2008

Proud American

Guys, this is SOOOOOO funny, I have to share it with everyone!!!

Here's a trailer of an IMAX film, Proud American.

In case you're wondering, no this is not a joke, it's a real movie!

Guess how did it perform in the box office?

Open in 750 cinemas, its total gross is $96,076, or $128 per venue — one of the worst for any wide release in the US!