Jun 22, 2008


I have just recently realize that I'm guilty of doublethink, to borrow the terminology used by George Orwell in 1984 (the acceptance of mutually contradictory beliefs):

Cherishing life while anticipating death; you never know when the drunk driver would choose to run you over or the loose brick from the apartment roof will fall onto your head while you're strolling down the street on your way to the superette.

Seize the day, don't let the days of your life pass you by! For life is ultimately pointless & meaningless.

I put my faith in a God who is dead (as far as his influence in our current world is concerned), and still fight to hold my ground against despair.
How much longer can I last, I wonder. Already I'm feeling the strain, trying to reconciliate these impossibilities.

"Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die!" -Isaiah 22:13

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