Apr 17, 2008

Updates from Home

3 weeks of selectives back home has been kind to me. I finally realize being with your family ain't that bad after all. Sure sometimes all the family politics and dramas repulse me, but I never expected to enjoy the company so much. Makes me having 2nd thoughts about settling down in NZ and all after I've graduated. Well, home is home, no matter how promising working in a developed country may seem.

During these time of reflection (I have plenty of time to spare now, and the time I don't spend with my family, I spent in self reflection), I realize I still love medicine, in fact, more than ever, now that things are starting to piece together and make sense. It's more of matter of lack of time to pursue my other interests. Unfortunately I'm not as single-mindedly devoted to medicine as some others, and I've always value my freedom to do the things I like. But now that the main culprit has been identified, what I need to do now is to get some time management issue sorted out.

The clubhouse for Setia Eco has finally open to the residents on the 15th of April. After months of delay. I was the first person to utilize the facilities there (gym, swimming pool and spa), and I will be visiting there everyday from now on till the day I fly back to NZ. Time to shed some fat. For good. >=)

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