Mar 28, 2008

3 Stages of Burnout

Stage 1. Stress Arousal
(includes any two of the following symptoms)

1. Persistent irritability
2. Persistent anxiety
3. Periods of high blood pressure
4. Bruxism (grinding your teeth at night)
5. Insomnia
6. Forgetfulness
7. Heart palpitations
8. Inability to concentrate
9. Headaches
10. Gastrointestinal problems

The stress arousal stage includes persistent irritability, persistent anxiety, periods of high blood pressure, bruxism (the grinding of teeth during sleep), insomnia, and forgetfulness.

Additionally, you may have heart palpitations, unusual heart arrythymia, concentration problems, and headaches/stomach problems.

With the presence of any two of these, you may be experiencing stage 1 stress arousal.

Stage 2. Energy Conservation
(includes any two of the following symptoms)

1. Tardiness
2. Procrastination
3. Decreased sexual desire
4. Persistent fatigue
5. Turning work in late
6. Social withdrawal (from friends and/or family)
7. Cynical attitudes
8. Resentfulness
9. Increased stimulant consumption (caffeine, nicotine, ephedrine, etc.)
10. Increased alcohol consumption
11. Misuse of prescription and non-prescription drugs
12. Apathy
13. Loss or lack of spirituality

The energy conservation stage might include excessive lateness, procrastination, excessive time off, decreased desire for sex, persistent tiredness, turning work in late, social withdrawal from friends and family, increased cynicism, resentment, increased stimulant consumption, increased alcohol consumption, misuse of prescription and non-prescription drugs, apathy, and loss or lack of spirituality.

Again, any two of these symptoms may signal you’re in stage 2 of the burnout cycle.

Stage 3. Exhaustion
(includes any two of the following symptoms)

1. Chronic sadness or depression
2. Chronic stomach or bowel problems
3. Chronic mental fatigue
4. Chronic physical fatigue
5. Chronic headaches
6. The desire to “escape” from friends, family and perhaps even school
7. Perhaps the desire to commit suicide

The exhaustion stage is where most people finally get a sense that something may be wrong. The symptoms include: chronic sadness or depression, chronic stomach or bowel problems, chronic mental fatigue, chronic physical fatigue, chronic headaches or migraines, the desire to “drop out” or “escape” from society. Like the previous stages any two of these symptoms can indicate stage 3 burnout.

Remember, burnout is a process that usually occurs sequentially, it progresses through stages, thus giving you the opportunity to recognize symptoms and take the necessary steps to prevent it. If you see yourself in stage 3, it is time to get help. Meeting the criteria for stage 3 is your signal and you need to seek assistance: your stress level is beyond your control.

Currently I'm having 5 of Stage 1 symptoms, 10 of Stage 2 symptoms, and 5 of Stage 3 symptoms. What to do, what to do...

1 comment:

Yuen said...

SEEK HELP. Talk to someone: a family member, friend, tutor, counsellor....anyone you can trust right now. =\