Mar 9, 2008

Winds of Change

Barisan Nasional suffered its greatest defeat in history. Many people cheered over that fact. I find it quite silly and naive really. True I would like to see the opposition gaining more positions in the new government, but I am truly concerned about the opposition's burden to fulfill their pledge now that they have won so many seats all of a sudden. There's much to learn, and little time to get things done to prove their worth.

This may be the winds of change in Malaysian history... or it may be a minor setback for BN until the next election if the opposition can't hold things together. Only time will tell. I'll definitely have a close watch over the Malaysian political scene for the coming months.

1 comment:

Yuen said...

I agree with your concern, thom. While many are rejoicing that the opposition has garnered more seats than before, I wonder myself if the new coalition could upkeep the promises they have made, and fulfill the public's expectations of a better government. However, that does not imply that I do not have faith in them.

On an interesting note, there appears to be "little correlation between between political experience and success as president" in US history, according to the March 2008 edition of TIMES. If this is applicable to our current situation in Malaysia, I guess we should take comfort and hope for the best.

Like you said, only time will tell.